Fish names, vote for your favorite fishes names. Top popular fish names.


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Last fish name suggested by you: Glowfy

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1- LilĀ“ G 104 vote

2- Macaroni 56 vote

3- spotty 54 vote

4- BigFish 53 vote

5- fred 51 vote

6- OatmeaL 39 vote

7- Flipper Magee 38 vote

8- Glowfy 38 vote

9- Sushi 38 vote

10- Sharkbait 38 vote

11- Peek-a-Boo 38 vote

12- Poseiden 38 vote

13- General Finn 38 vote

14- Trouble 38 vote

15- mango 37 vote

16- rocky 37 vote

17- FireBall 37 vote

18- Kibble 37 vote

19- Mushu 37 vote

20- Bubs 37 vote

21- Mange du Pont 37 vote

22- Tansy 37 vote

23- BabyDoll 37 vote

24- Keiko 37 vote

25- Nemo 37 vote

26- Sharky 37 vote

27- oscar 37 vote

28- lillypad 37 vote

29- Fishy Wishy 37 vote

30- Jiminator 37 vote

31- Jeffery 36 vote

32- Javalava 36 vote

33- archimedes 36 vote

34- Splish 36 vote

35- Zeus 36 vote

36- baylie 36 vote

37- daisy 36 vote

38- Nautilus 36 vote

39- singha 36 vote

40- Finns 36 vote

41- wobbles 36 vote

42- Erki 36 vote

43- skittles 36 vote

44- milo 36 vote

45- tango 35 vote

46- Finley 35 vote

47- Bosco 35 vote

48- Kracken 35 vote

49- Lola 35 vote

50- Amoon 35 vote

51- Finley 35 vote

52- pollywog 35 vote

53- Calypso 35 vote

54- Orangy 35 vote

55- hydro 35 vote

56- McFin 35 vote

57- aquamarine 35 vote

58- Pong 35 vote

59- rico 35 vote

60- Lola 35 vote

61- tango 35 vote

62- Kracken 35 vote

63- Amoon 35 vote

64- Fishy 34 vote

65- bobby 34 vote

66- spike 34 vote

67- drago 34 vote

68- George 33 vote

69- Eric 33 vote

70- Flo 33 vote

71- Angel 33 vote

72- Frisbie 33 vote

73- Seymour 33 vote

74- Ping 33 vote

75- Gil 33 vote

76- Cosmo 33 vote

77- Frikkie 33 vote

78- homer 33 vote

79- aqua 33 vote

80- chips 33 vote

81- Mr. Flying A 33 vote

82- Dory 33 vote

83- bobert 32 vote

84- Zoe 32 vote

85- active 32 vote

86- crunch 32 vote

87- fish 32 vote

88- coral 32 vote

89- Hydra 32 vote

90- Suki 32 vote

91- bubbles 32 vote

92- Flapper 32 vote

93- Archie 32 vote

94- china 32 vote

95- Bowser 32 vote

96- remo 31 vote

97- Sharp Shooter 31 vote

98- lippy 31 vote

99- fin 31 vote

100- bigmoon 31 vote

fetch_array() and $i<301){echo "".$i."- ".$row[1]." ".$row[2]." vote


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