Type in the phrase “pet sitter” in any search engine box and you will find over one million websites! Quite overwhelming when you are trying to find a pet sitter before you go out of town. And to make matters worse, 99% of those pet sitters are probably not in your area.
There is an alternative to finding a pet sitter, however. That’s by using an online pet sitter directory. They are easy to navigate and nearly all are free to use when you are searching for a pet sitter.
One free, and easy-to-use directory is called Find Me A Pet Sitter (http://www.findmeapetsitter.com). On the home page one simply types in either their zip code or city/state and the results will display pet sitters in their area. The pet sitter’s listing can then be clicked on to display more information, such as: a brief description of their services, their contact information, cities and towns they serve, and what sort of services they provide.
Most pet sitter directories are free, but a few may require you to register with their site first before you can search for pet sitters. And, some charge a fee for their referral service.
Keep in mind, not all areas have pet sitters listed. You may need to contact the administrator of the website and ask them if they can help locate a pet sitter in your area.
Finally, any pet sitter you hire should be reputable within their community, have liability insurance, and in some cases, may be required to carry a bond or be licensed.
Pet Sitter Directories:
Bio: Richard Keyes is a professional pet sitter in Denver, Colorado