Budgie healthy diet |
It's best to provide parakeet with variety food: pellets, fresh vegetables, small amounts of fruit, table food (cooked beans, whole wheat bread, cooked rice, pasta, eggs) and seeds. |
Toys, toys, and more toys |
The following topics are covered in this article. Why Do Parrots Need Toys?, What Are the Types of Toys?, Important Toy Safety Issues, What Makes a Toy a Good Toy?, Where Can I Get Toys?, How Can I Save Money on Toys, How to Get Your Parrot |
The Red-Vented Cockatoo |
The Red-Vented Cockatoo, (Cacatua haematuropygia) One of the most threatened cockatoo species (C.I.T.E.S. Appendix One). This is an example of a beautiful exotic bird that mustnĀ“t be bought as pet bird because is a threatened specie. |
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